To be very frank "I don't know" why I created this Blog but maybe because she touched my life in a way different from anyone else, maybe because i still hope that someday she will realize the depth of my love for her and come back. But I can tell one thing for certain, the void that she left in my heart can never be filled and somehow i want to describe it into words, neither will the wound ever heal. But still i cry myself to sleep ever night hoping that a call or a text will come from her after she read my blog.
"Love Is All About Giving Unconditionally And Expecting Nothing In Return"
These thing are nice to say, but in real life I don't think anyone is that courageous to do something like that. What you love someone that much and unconditionally you are bound to get at least a part if it back, otherwise the whole idea is crazy. One more thing is you think that she knows how you feel about her and who she is to you. But a sad fact is that 99% of the time its just a rationalization created by our own mind. The earlier you wake up the better. I am saying this from my own experience. I felt that we had a great connection and she understood me completely. Maybe that's why I was so shocked when she said I don't love u anymore... I know this is a typical case of us guys thinking we are together forever with our partners while even though she says so does not mean even a word of it... I feel like my world is falling apart. Every morning I wake up and the first thing that comes to my mind is her. Why can't girls see or understand the commitment that we show to them. I shouldn't be generalizing because I know this is not true in all cases. But I don't want to believe that she is among one of the girls who see guys as a stepping stone and nothing else. With all this said the only thing i want is for her to be happy no matter where ever she is and whoever she is with. I just wanted to say her that I still loves u and also loves u in future. I created this blog for spreading my message. Still I hope You will like my message and also my blog.
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bharat thakkar · 680 weeks ago
Apni SMS & Shayari 6p · 680 weeks ago
Nimi · 659 weeks ago
Apni SMS & Shayari 6p · 659 weeks ago